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Participating In The Incentive Program and Looking For Monthly Logs?
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How To Earn A Premium Reduction





Current employees   

Premium reductions expire every December 31st. In order to stay active in the program on January 1st, current employees and spouses must complete a new premium reduction form between October 1st and December 10th. Health fair screenings completed within the previous  2 years are accepted, but blood pressure measurements and BMI/waist measurements must be current. Health fair screenings can be completed at no cost once per calendar year by attending the Employee Health Fair in the Spring or another blood draw offered by Wyoming Health Fairs, Lander Medical Clinic or your preferred healthcare provider. Physician waivers for the standards are accepted (see below).


New Employees

New employees and spouses are eligible to sign up for a premium reduction at the time of hire (getting signed up 1 month before insurance premiums start can guarantee your premium reduction will be in effect right away). Blood screenings completed within the previous 2 years are accepted, and current blood pressure and BMI/waist measurements can be completed by a medical professional or Wellness Program Manager.  While not necessary to begin participation, blood screenings can be completed at a blood draw sponsored by Wyoming Health Fairs, which offers a blood draw in the area once per week (see for more information). Before insurance benefits begin, participants are responsible to pay for their tests at the blood draw.  Once insurance benefits begin, employees and spouses can complete blood screenings annually, at no cost, by attending the Employee Health Fair in the Spring or by attending another Wyoming Health Fair or Lander Medical Clinic blood draw. Physician waivers for the standards are accepted (see below).




  • A physician can waive one or more of the standards for the Premium Reduction Program if the standard is affected by a pre-existing medical condition or current medical care. The physician request and signature is all that is necessary; no documentation of the participant's medical history is required. 

  • If a standard is missed, and no physician waiver is provided, the participant will not receive the dollar amount for that standard in his/her premium reduction (see form, posted above, for amounts awarded for each standard).  However, the participant is eligible to earn the amount not earned in the form of a Participation Incentive awarded twice per year (see below).

  • Those on the High Deductible Insurance Plan are eligible to earn a premium reduction in the amount not exceeding his/her total monthly premium. 


How To Earn A Participation Incentive

Any participant who is not earning the full premium reduction, due to not meeting one or more of the standards, can make up the difference by participating in the Participation Incentive Program to earn an incentive twice per year (January and July). Please note: incentives are only awarded to those who have missed a standard on the premium reduction form, for the amount missed.*

How To Participate

Participants can choose between monitoring blood pressure or logging physical activity on the monthly logs.  Fitbit and smart watch logs may be submitted in place of activity logs. Logs are emailed out and posted monthly and can be found by clicking the link at the top of this page. Be sure to let Tatum know you are participating so you can be added to the program!


Possible Incentive Amounts

  • Missed BMI or waist measurement standard at $50 per month, after 6 months participation:  $300 

  • Missed Glucose or A1c stabdard at $20 per month, after 6 months participation: $120 

  • Missed Blood Pressure standard at $15 per month, after 6 months participation: $90 

  • Missed Cholesterol standard at $15 per month, after 6 months participation: $90 


Participation will earn an incentive for all standards missed. For instance, if a participant missed the BMI and blood pressure standards, his/her incentive could be $390 for 6 months participation*


     * incentive amounts are based on the amount of the premium paid each month. Participants on the high                               deductible insurance plan will receive up to the maximum amount paid in premiums over a 6 month                         period. 


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